
Who we are

Illinois Prairie Chapter is based in Champaign, IL. Our membership is diverse: local members and those from out of state; people from different countries and cultures; people of all ages, working or retired from a wide range of careers. Most of our members practice other artistic disciplines, such as painting, photography, and sculpture. We have all become gardeners!

We enjoy monthly chapter workshops. Weekly workshops are also held by several teachers in their homes. At each workshop a certified Ikenobo instructor will lecture and demonstrate on a specific style. Afterwards participants arrange ikebana, and the instructor critiques each individual arrangement. 

Illinois Prairie Chapter holds many public workshops, exhibitions, and demonstrations, often in conjunction with special visiting professors. Many new members join because of these events. We also sponsor activities associated with Japan House, ikebana, and other Japanese arts. 

Members may enroll in the Ikenobo Ikebana School of Flower Arranging in Kyoto, Japan, and work towards obtaining beginner through advanced diplomas. Group activities include traveling to other chapters for special workshops and anniversaries. In 2019, twenty members traveled to Japan to view the Tanabata exhibition, followed by 5 days of workshops at Ikenobo Headquarters.